Petite Arvine Grain Arvine La Louye 2014 - M.-Th. Chappaz (0.75 L)

Tasting notes

La Louye is a beautiful parcel with 15-year-old vines that are easy to farm. Planted on alluvium – sediment left by glacial passage nearly 10,000 years ago – the vineyard consists of a wide diversity of soils and topography. This plot is encompassed by a depository used by former winemakers for storing stones to be used in terrace walls.



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In 1988, Marie-Thérèse Chappaz founded the Estate of Liaudisaz in Fully.

Passionate about wine-growing, she had a complex, almost spiritual relationship with her vines and her wines.

Data sheet

  • Color white
  • Country Suisse (Valais)
  • Vintage 2014
  • Level IN
  • Peak: until 2025
  • Size Bottle (0.75 l)

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