Château Meyney 2009

Tasting notes

"I clearly underrated this wine from barrel. The finest wine made at this estate since 1982, this opaque black wine is a sleeper of the vintage, with oodles of blackberry fruit interwoven with hints of charcoal, forest floor, licorice and damp earth. Deep, rich, chewy, full-bodied and opulent, this is a fabulous Meyney that, because of its low acidity and very ripe tannin (...)"

Source: Robert Parker



54,05 CHF

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Château Meyney, ranked "Cru bourgeois supérieur", has acquired thanks to the care and attention lavished on it by the Cordier family, exceptional merits: flesh, bouquet, savor and beautiful robe, with put it at the top of  the greatest Crus Bourgeois in Médoc.

In 1979, a new wine was born made from the young wines: Prieur de Meyney.

Production : 160’000 bottles ;

Superficie : 50 ha ;

Wine variety : 70% cabernet sauvignon, 30% merlot, 10% petit verdot;

Best vintages : 2010, 2009, 1995, 1989, 1986, 1982.

Data sheet

  • Color red
  • Country Bordeaux
  • Appellation Haut_Médoc
  • Classement Cru Bourgeois Supérieur
  • Vintage 2009
  • Rating Robert Parker : 92 / 100
  • Level IN
  • Peak: until 2030
  • Size Bottle (0.75 l)

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