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Specials occasions

In this category, discover a selection of very large formats, perfect for exceptional occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or other memorable celebrations.

These large formats not only invite sharing and emotion, but they also ensure better wine preservation, providing optimal tasting, especially for older vintages.

Whether you're celebr...

In this category, discover a selection of very large formats, perfect for exceptional occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or other memorable celebrations.

These large formats not only invite sharing and emotion, but they also ensure better wine preservation, providing optimal tasting, especially for older vintages.

Whether you're celebrating a special moment or seeking a unique tasting experience, these generous formats are ideal for marking life's most important milestones.

Refine your search:

To help you find the perfect wine, feel free to use our search filters:

  • Search by vintage: Select the wine based on your preferred year.
  • Search by domain: Explore wines from your favorite estates.
  • Search by rating: Filter by expert ratings to find the finest vintages.
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Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items
Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items

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