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This is an increasingly difficult to choice nowadays, given the arry of bottle-sizes. There are various types of bottles used in Bordeaux. To on that is the most commonly encountered is the 750 ml "Bordelaise". Magnums, double magnums, half-bottle (375 ml) and, for some years now, a newer type of 500 ml bottle has been in fashion.

I should be r...

This is an increasingly difficult to choice nowadays, given the arry of bottle-sizes. There are various types of bottles used in Bordeaux. To on that is the most commonly encountered is the 750 ml "Bordelaise". Magnums, double magnums, half-bottle (375 ml) and, for some years now, a newer type of 500 ml bottle has been in fashion.

I should be remembered that when the bottle is large, the wine evolves more slowly and better. A comparative tasting of a 750 ml-bottle and of a magnum of given growth, which have both aged in the same cellar, is clear evidence of the qualities of the wine served from the larger format. Wine does not like being cramped for space. It needs room in order to flourish and develop its bouquet.

The buyer must therefore know what he intends to do with his wines. Magnums, double magnums or even larger formats will be preferred if the wine is meant to celebrate a birthday some 20 to 30 years after the vintage.

In this section, please choice your wine according to the size.To refine your search, please use the filters in the top menu.

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